Monday, September 13, 2010


What's up everyone? I hope everyone is doing well. I am . Here in Spanish whenever we ask people how they are, they say, aqui mira, or here I am look. Yeah a little weird. But here I am look.

So let me just start out by quoting my zone leader, he said "Wow Hermana Tavenner, with you things are never boring are they". I don't even know how to tell my story.....

This week we had interviews with Pres. and during the interviews people were at the church cleaning and getting everything prepared for stake conference that weekend. We also had two baptisms of kids from a family we reactivated. So Saturday we passed by the church at 10 to start filling the font. Our mission leader said it takes about 2 hours or 2 1/2 hours to fill, which is normal, in my other area it was like 3 hours. So we started to fill ita nd then left to two appointments that we had planned. I kept having the thought to go back to the church. But these were really important appointments, and my companion said I was just worrying. So we went to the appointments. We had planned to grab lunch and then go to the church to stop the water, but again I had the thought to go back to the church. So we decided to order pizza at the church and eat that for lunch. When we arrived at the church building, OH MY LANTA. We maybe flooded the church.....

I think my mission leader was confused; maybe he thought I was asking how long it took to fill the church building. And with the stake conference priesthood session an hour and a half away, (not to mention my mission president would be speaking at it) we looked around at the flooded building feeling every joy in our heart drop to the floor.

We waded through the water until we got to the font and turned off the water. Luckily in El Salvador they only use tile and not carpet. I don't know how, but with help from members and prayers and us mopping like crazy somehow we had the baptisms and the stake priesthood session one hour later.

I have decided to listen from now on to the prompting I receive. I learned the lesson the hard way. But how grateful I am for this great power we have, the ability to receive inspiration from the Lord at whatever moment. If we keep our lines clean and clear from the clutter of the world, we can receive spiritual promptings. But we must do our part too, and ACT after we receive them......

Burnt hands, giving birth to jelly fish, preaching in buses, salvation of souls, flooding of church buildings right before stake conference, it's all part of the wonderful and glorious work of the Lord.


Hna Tav

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