Wednesday, December 29, 2010

HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR...... Wow will we really be in 2011?! When I first came to El Salvador it was 2009 and I thought the time would never come when it was 2011. And here it is, just around the river bend.

OK so did I get some SWEET letters? Si (that means yes). Megan in Italy (how in the world do I write you there, haven't the slightest) and JESSICAAAA WOOD ( fastest letter writer EVA) please I will write when I get to a post office, but in the rain forest it's kinda hard to find those......

Just to clear up some questions. Here in the mission, in my mission specifically the rules are really strict. I get on the computer once a week. mondays. 1 hour. I can only write family, but my mom (so faithful) posts my letters so the whole WORLD can read them (which I found out they do.....this week the new missionaries came and one of them told me he had been reading my letters since he found out he was coming here.....should that weird me out??)) so no I do NOT facebook. Google.Chat. I hardly email. I do not listen to any music or watch movies or anything that is not related to the church. But really it is great. YOu would think that living under strict rules like that would make someone feel held back or constrained. But I feel the opposite. It's like the string on a kite. It seems to be holding the kite down, but actually if we cut the string on a kite, the kite will fall. These rules, commandments are what allow us to become closer to God and the more we live the higher we can become.

So this week was a little rough tracking. Or finding people to teach. Everyone seemed to be Catholic this week (they are only Catholic during Christmas and Easter). I had a funny experience. Christmas Day we were knocking doors. It was my turn. I knocked. Waited. Finally this chubby girl came to the door. She was like 12. OK by this time my Spanish has gotten a lot better, not perfect at all but I feel I have at least mastered introductions, seeing we do it like 30 times every day. So chubby girl comes to door right. She sees me and her eyes get big. (This isn't too uncommon, to have a white giant knock on your door would cause your eyes to grown too) I just smiled and asked her what her name was. She shook her head and said I don't understand English. I looked at my comp from Peru, I was sure I had asked her in Spanish. Hna. Flores then asked her the exact same question- same words and the girl said her name, all relived that she could talk to a Latina. Hna Ramirez just started laughing and sat on the ground attempting to control herself.

Christmas was great. We tried to sleep through the crazy fireworks that went off all night. I read the account in Luke 2 and had a special little moment Christmas Eve to remember the real meaning of this special day. This year I have grown to know the Savior better than ever before. As we try to walk in his shoes. As we try to be his hands for others we truly come to know him.

LOVE the work of God. Love family. Love friends. LOVE the GOSPEL. HOORAW 4 ISRAEL>>>>>

Hna TAvenner

Monday, December 13, 2010

HEY. Everybody everywhere in the whole wide world, how are ya'll?? I am missing all your cute faces. I hope some of you will send me a family Christmas greeting card.
This week I got a letter from SuzPants (you so need to come to El Sal) Thanks!

So how to even describe my week. I don't know how. The journey started like 5 or 6 weeks ago when we knocked on this sweet little family's door. This last Saturday they were baptized. How can I describe this to you? I cannot. My mom always says I really lack details, but I feel that to attempt to describe it is impossible, so I choose instead to tell you I ate lizard legs for Thanksgiving.

We got to the church building Saturday. It was a huge baptismal service, it was titled "white Christmas" and it was a baptismal service for the whole stake. Our mission president came to see. Hna Ramirez and I were there early to start filling the font and clean up the place. After we finished setting up chairs, we sat down and just watched the crystal clear water as it quickly filled the font (I've learned it's better to wait there while it's filling up....) Wow. There is NO sweeter sound than that of rushing water of a baptism font. Knowing that these people would finally partake of the water of eternal life. They had taken a step of faith, decided to change their life so that they finally could fulfill what the Lord wanted of them, finally know what the living water tastes like. I am reminded of the woman at the well, and the Savior's teaching on what truly was the source of living water. (John 4)

Then on Sunday we went by the family's apt after church . They had dinner prepared for us and we all started to eat with exception of the father. We asked him why he was not eating and he quietly almost ashamed told us he was fasting. JOY. When did my convert become stronger than I? BEST

I LOVE this work. "Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation." Remember what is the water of life. The water that if we drink we shall not thirst again.


Monday, December 6, 2010


How's it going the best looking family/ friends EVER.

Thanks for the letters...... JESSICA WOOD (wow i about passed out with JOY.really jess...too long) . Heidi (Ok did I see you yesterday?! at the Christmas Devo Broadcast and I'm like almost positive I saw you in the congregation...and with a guy? Did your hair get long? I'm 96.3% positive that was YOU.))) And Grandpa and ma Skittles!! BEST>>>

So this week was amazing. We went and sang at a children's hospital. I don't know what it is about kids but there is something so pure about them. We went with the stake choir and we sang our little hearts out to those sweet children. My heart broke looking around at the poor conditions that they are treated in. My comp and I are both nurses from the states and looking at the charting system and the sanitary conditions there put us both sick to the stomach. But their cute little smiling faces as we sang and passed out presents was something that cannot be forgotten and it makes me realize the purpose of life. They find joy so easily despite their circumstances.

The Lord's protection has been over us. This country is not the safest, I will have to share some stories when I get back, but I have been so grateful that we truly are protected here and I know through the prayers of you all we are never left alone here. We really have help from above.

I too am praying that this season finds you all very well. That you all will take time to remember the birth of the Savior and what significance his birth can have in your life. He was born and died for us. May we give him the gift of living for him.

HOORAH 4 Jesus.
& Israel.
