Monday, December 13, 2010

HEY. Everybody everywhere in the whole wide world, how are ya'll?? I am missing all your cute faces. I hope some of you will send me a family Christmas greeting card.
This week I got a letter from SuzPants (you so need to come to El Sal) Thanks!

So how to even describe my week. I don't know how. The journey started like 5 or 6 weeks ago when we knocked on this sweet little family's door. This last Saturday they were baptized. How can I describe this to you? I cannot. My mom always says I really lack details, but I feel that to attempt to describe it is impossible, so I choose instead to tell you I ate lizard legs for Thanksgiving.

We got to the church building Saturday. It was a huge baptismal service, it was titled "white Christmas" and it was a baptismal service for the whole stake. Our mission president came to see. Hna Ramirez and I were there early to start filling the font and clean up the place. After we finished setting up chairs, we sat down and just watched the crystal clear water as it quickly filled the font (I've learned it's better to wait there while it's filling up....) Wow. There is NO sweeter sound than that of rushing water of a baptism font. Knowing that these people would finally partake of the water of eternal life. They had taken a step of faith, decided to change their life so that they finally could fulfill what the Lord wanted of them, finally know what the living water tastes like. I am reminded of the woman at the well, and the Savior's teaching on what truly was the source of living water. (John 4)

Then on Sunday we went by the family's apt after church . They had dinner prepared for us and we all started to eat with exception of the father. We asked him why he was not eating and he quietly almost ashamed told us he was fasting. JOY. When did my convert become stronger than I? BEST

I LOVE this work. "Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation." Remember what is the water of life. The water that if we drink we shall not thirst again.


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