Tuesday, July 13, 2010

HOla!!!! Que tal? I hope you all are living up that summer! It´s crazy to think it´s summer because here it´s colder than I´ve ever been because of all the rain we´ve been getting, maybe I¨ll buy myself a blanket today for Pday!! We don´t use blankets on our beds at all, just one flat sheet to protect us from bug bites.

Wow this week was a little crazy....again. always. So I´m getting calls off the roof from these poor elders, always sick. I¨m trying to find time to do some missionary work between telling the elders to just take their Peptobismo. But this week we got such the suprise when I talked to the assistents Tueday night and the said they wanted us to train one of the new missionaries. I was a little blown away because training is a lot of work and I was sure with the nursing stuff I wouldn´t ever be training a little greenie. But yes my first daughter was born into the mission July 6, 2010. 5 ft7 ins tall. 148lds, and she has brown eyes! Haha she is from here in El Salvador but the other mission. And so we are in a trio right now. It´s been even crazier because the shower doesn´t work anymore so we put up our shower curtain outside, we have like a little patio thing, and like a big cement sink outside and so we do the bucket shower thing. It´s been quite the adventure! I think it´s the cleanest shower I¨ve had here.

OK updates.....
my converts

Jose from my last area the boy we found in the street....he´s good it´s in a different ward and so i never seen him but he´s in the same stake and he´s preparing for his mission in a 10 months.

Carlos (alma the younger)...sadly I have not heard from him. he moved to a different area and i´m scared that he is not going to church there. But I pray for him and will let you know what i hear.

Martinez family!!!!!!!! Wow they are powerful!!! I love this family. The stake primary pres came to our ward yesterday and was way impressed with their son. Sister Carmen did divisions with us yesterday. Really they´re so great.

Alejandra... she´s really active and has lots of friends in the church. It´s great to see the growth in her, she still has a bit to learn but Im excited to see the changes that are happening.


Jose... He was not a church this week because he was sick, but we had a good lesson with him this week and we even brought his crazy catholic parents some cookies, I think they like us!

Thats all for this week. thanks for your prayers and support!!! LOVE YOU. HOORAW FOR ISRAEL:...


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