Monday, July 26, 2010


Has it maybe been the longest? Yes it has. I'm sorry I haven´t written for awhile. Can I just say El Salvador computers aren´t really quite top notch. But I´ve got letters from Jen, Nicki (yes that is the best address to use), Heidi (are you really home from your mish and Lara too!! wow that was fast! write me!!!l love u), and my grandparents. THANKS!!! you´re the best

So I don´t even know how to catch you all up. I´m still in this area, I´m going on 6 months here! But I love it; it´s the area I opened up. We´re still in a trio with the missionary we´re training. All is going well. I´m learning a lot, especially patience........

I had a great birthday.....I woke up, my comps sang the worst version of happy birthday I'd ever heard. Bless their little hearts, they let me sponge shower on our patio first. Sofia (the wife of our investigator Jose) made me bean soup for lunch, we knocked the doors and went out for pupusas for dinner, BEST BIRTHDAY EVER.

The nursing thing is insane. I´m going a little crazy trying to balance all these balls thrown at me, but the Lord is helping me. Wow these elders are stupid . Ok sorry but they are- sticking their fingers in fans, taking Pepto Bismo for a chest infection, trying to burn off warts by themselves with a kit they bought in the street. Not to mention I had one sent to the ER and had to call president to stay the night in the hospital with him, but they are keeping me on my toes.

Ok do you all remember Jose? The long hair rebellious man? He invited us over Saturday night for pupusas for my birthday (yes we eat pupusas like every night and they are sooo fatting- let´s not talk about it). He is so different, and I would give anything to see him baptized. Please pray for him for me. His heart still is a little hard.

Ok we have another lady Rosmari. She and her son are friends of Sofia and Jose. We have been teaching them for three weeks and they want to be baptized!! Joy. But we have to have a wedding first. So this week we´re planning a wedding and after we will have their baptism. I don´t know if they will be baptized this week or the next. Only her and her son will be baptized the father has a problem with the word of wisdom. They are a cute family, but so poor. They live on nothing but are already sacrificing for the church everything they can. I love these people.

I´m so good. I have struggled seeing my converts go inactive. It´s been the hardest part of my mission and the greatest pain I can remember. I remember a talk by Elder Holland at the MTC. He said to be a representative of the Savior we must walk his path. The road to salvation always passes through Gethsemane. A token must be paid. Pain must be felt. I pray that all may recognize this and continue to give it every thing to have what is only given after the sacrifice. I know this church is true. The Savior lives and is always next to us. Take up your cross, follow him. Walk in his steps. Look to God and Live,

Hna Tav

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