Saturday, July 10, 2010

Hola!!!! que tal Ustedes? Me extraña todos bastante, casi tengo un ano acá! Santa vaca que loca.

Sorry I didn´t write last week I ran out of time. I hope you all are living up the
4th. I forgot it was a holiday until last night at dinner (Sunday nights we always eat dinner with a family in the Ward, familia Pena) we walked into their house and all the family members stood up and put their hands over their hearts and played the national anthem. I was confused until I remember it was the 4th of July then to top it off they made me sing it to them while they recorded me. That is a video clip I really hope gets ruined. haha. Then we ate beans and tortillas with a dessert of platinos. Booyah best 4th EVER.

So I have to catch you up on a lot. First off one investigator named Jose... We have been working with him since my first week here. He is married to a member but he is really Catholic. But this dear sister came to me pleading to help with her husband. Can I just tell you about Jose for a minute? They live in the funniest house that we have to cross a creek-river on a narrow passageway, hold on to a little string to brace us while crossing. Then entering the house (not really a house more like scraps of tin glued together) we pass through their raccoons, jump over the squirrels and count them- 5 dogs, chickens, ducks, and try to make it through without stepping on one of the million cats, not to mention passing through the crazy Catholic parents then another narrow passageway to the room- house of Jose. Their house is only one room. Then we find Jose; this short man with really long hair, who sits on the ground not looking at us without his shirt on. (Ok here the men don´t wear shirts. I don´t know why. It is kind of strange I guess, but usually to show respect whenever we enter they put on a shirt) but But his wife has plead with us. And I guess I am stubborn too, and it bothers me he´s listened to the discussions for a year but still won´t change. So I have put all my energy into converting this wild man and without results we´ve labored for 3 months. I told my dad to put his name in the temple at least two times. Ok so this last Sunday in walks a short man holding a baby. I was thinking who is this?? I didn´t recognize him until I saw his cute little wife next to him; it was Jose! And he cut his hair. I can´t remember ever being happier to see someone at church. I was in bliss the whole day! He still is very stubborn. I asked him when he would be baptized and he just smiled at me and shook his head. So I´m guessing two weeks. haha.

Ok so also this week, Friday, I got a call from Hna Farnsworth, my old comp (she is also the mission nurse. She said President and his wife wanted to talk to us. So she and I waited at the church completely confused at what was going on. Then President and his wife pulled up in their car and told us to get in. We were both really confused but just went along with it. They then drove us to the nicest restaurant I have seen in El Salvador, like $15 a plate. They thanked us for all we were doing as the nurses. They also informed us they want to change things. Hna. Farnsworth has been the mission nurse a long time and they decided to send her oriental (far away from the capital and mission office). They said I would get the cell phone and would work alone in the mission office handling all the nursing duties. I think the lunch was their way of softening the new calling for me. So I just pray somehow I will find time to teach the gospel.

The work is so good. The field is whiter than it´s ever been. Hoorah for Israel and short hair and raccoons and injecting the elders (we have done some injections!). All my corazone,

Hna Tav

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