Monday, October 4, 2010

HELLO everyone. How's it going??? Ok I don't have much time to write, and I'm not in a writer mood, so I"ll make this short. You all will be happier with a shorter letter anyway right?

Thanks for the letters this week, I got one from Jen (anne of green gables, wow you are the best and I am jealous) hope all is well and you are changing apts soon, and from Megan (faster mail responding ever are you in Italy yet?).

This week we had transfers. I didn't get transferred, my companion either. We went to the conference and LOVED them, a little too much. We had an investigator there who we had taught the first discussion, he is a kid 12 years, but he lives with his grandpa who is a member. It was cool because in the conference one of the talks related the first vision and this kid gave the whole first vision account in Joseph Smiths words my companion and I were a little stunned to hear him whispering the words to himself, but also overjoyed.

I also got good news this week. About 4 months ago I spoke to a man in the bus. Invited him to church. Well we always do that, but they never come. Well I saw him the next Sunday at church and was so stoked. But after asking information about his house we found he was in another area so we passed on the reference. Well this week I found out he was baptized!! JOY.

Ok love you all. Love the prophet. Love the special dinner we had after the conference of meat, and beans. LIFE =GOOD.


and happy birthday to my cutest little sister :)


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