Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hello Dear friends and FAMILY.

Thanks for mail. Megan (in ITALY! how to write you, I don't even know?!) and mom ( always such the valiant with writing) I would like to hear from Lara Bishop (how to write her, do not know).

Ok so I am sorry I've been bad with details lately huh?

Monday....pday we played soccer (well the elders) bought our food for the week, cleaned the house, and had an awesome apt that fell through....

Tuesday.....I went to the mission office, filled the report, first in Spanish for our president and then did the report in English for the area doctor. Worked a little on insurances, starting to get medicine ready for the new missionaries coming in next transfer

Wednesday.....We knocked the doors. Visited our most positive people. Gloria (this dear lady we call our grandmother. We have been teaching her for awhile, she's already been to church 3 times but only for 1 hour because after that her legs hurt her really bad. She doesn't have any grandchildren and I really think she has adopted us. She ALWAYS has food ready for us and lotions and soap. For example we ate soup with her this past week. Only it was different than mom's soup. It was cow intestines, and nerves, I really prayed for help to eat it but I didn't make it through much. My little grandma just stood their watching me eat it, so proud of me with every sip. I just smiled as real as I could muster and sipped and sipped. I will be blessed for that I hope. But she is the SWEETEST and one day I think we're see her in WHITE.

Thursday....Mutilzone we got a tad lost trying to find the city Apopya to the mutlizone, but it was really great. Our president and his wife are amazing.

Friday.....Visited David and Silvia. This is a sweet family who we are also working with. The husband, David had a motorcycle accident and fractures his upper vertebrae, so he has a neck brace and a walked, but it is a miracle that he is alive. His wife (well they are not married) Silvia has been to church like 5 times. she loves it and wants to be baptized, but they are not married. So we are planning a wedding, only he has to agree. But people here do not like to get married, so we'll see how everything goes.

Saturday....Knocked doors

Sunday...Church at 2:00 in the afternoon! and Dinner with David and Silvia, beans and eggs...BEST.

I"M SOOOOO GREAT. YOU are all the best. THanks for your support and prayers and LETTERS. LOVE YOU ALL> HOORAWWWW FOR ISRAELLLLL...

Hna TAvenner

1 comment:

  1. Okay, so I finally got my internet working. Yes, I know, over a year. Yuk! Anyway, work is the same - busy - and you are greatly missed. I am on your friend list now. I am NanaOde. Love to you. Cathie, RN
