Friday, November 19, 2010


Hows it going???? Everyone here tells me I am the old one in the mission, and it's really weird for me to think about. I still feel like I have a long of time. Actually I've heard word that they will dedicate the temple here in El Salvador in March or April and I already asked permission to extend my mission to help with the temple open house. Pray for me that I can do that! It would be such an awesome experience!!

This week was transfers. My daughter had transfers. Where we live is closest to the mission office and mission house, so the new girl from Utah stayed with us for two nights. It was fun to see how scared and bamboozled the poor dear was. EL Salvador is like a different world and I think I forget until I see the new ones get here completely unable to speak to anyone and so confused how to wash their clothes in a cement slab outside. Also hermana Farnsworth, my old comp got to sleep with us her last night here. So we had a ton of mattresses pulled out all over the floor, SLUMBER PARTY. We even had pupusas. Yes. life here is the best......

So my new comp is Hna. Ramirez, but she is from the states!! Only the second gringa companion I've had, and I think it will be my last American comp. I'm training her to be the new nurse! Things this week were a little crazy. Had a few calls in the middle of the night and sent an elder to have an emergency operation of his appendix.

The temple is the greatest place of earth. a piece of heaven in the world. Do EVERYTHING POSSIBLE to go there. Our eyes are opened a little more and then we can see a part of the plan of the Lord for us. I love this work. Love the temple. Love you ALLLLLLLLLLLLLL.

HOORaw for isrAEL....

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