Monday, November 29, 2010


Thanksgiving. Feast of the Indians. I think I ate more than any of you did! Ha

But thanks SO much for the letters this week. Guess who wrote...drum roll yes Ashley Keller. joy. Anna Whitlock. Nicki Tyler (such the faithful).. BEST.

So this week......

My new comp and I are loving this mission stuff a tad too much. She maybe jumped on my bed screaming at 3 am this morning. She said she felt something moving in her bed. After looking she did have a rat in there just chilling out. The poor guy was probably cold and just wanted to share her covers. Also we again have gone to preaching on the bus. This is something I love but my comps almost always think I'm crazy and don't want to do it. But this Ramirez....yes.

We decided to have an awesome Thanksgiving, too, so we went over to this sweet place and got an iguana to go. We took it to the house and opened it up and almost lost our lunch (even though we hadn't even eaten our lunch yet). They basically cut off the head and the front two legs, and stuck the little guy in the frying pan. Then they topped him with veggies and a tortilla and threw the lizard on our plate. Talk about an elegant FEAST. But YES we ate him. and I may be paid for it the rest of the day, turns out the stomach isn't use to lizard meat....

We had an almost baptism. Our dear grandmother here, Gloria had her interview and passed! We organized everything; but then we passed by her house Saturday morning, and she said she had changed her mind. She said she needed some more time. But we had some awesome lessons with a family I found about 4 weeks ago knocking doors. They went to church and are the sweetest most wonderful family. They are young, the husband is like 28 and the wife the same. We are doing everything possible to help them to get in the water. Enter the fold. Our goal is DEC 11.

I am so blessed. To see people change their perspective. To see things that are beyond our mortal vision. To remember their purpose in life and to prepare to have eternal families is the greatest joy, one cannot describe.

happy happy. joy JOY.
HOORAW for Israel.


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