Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Dearest Family,

How are you???? I was quite overjoyed this week to receive a letter from Anna W., Kelsey, and my grandparents, and my little sister. I think they were for my birthday! Thank you all; you are the BEST EVER: I have to say it´s really hard to find a post office here, so please forgive me! I have letters here i´m waiting to send, just give me time I have not forgotten you all. And just so you all know I do get dearelder letters, it´s free and i get them like 2 or 3 weeks after you send them, which is the same and normal mail, it´s just free.

OK so Jose. I doubt I will ever see this man baptized! OK no I just don´t know what else to do with him. He´s been to church for two months and has a testimony but he always just says he´s not ready to take the step. But everytime I pray for guidance for him I open a scripture about patience, haha so I am trying to learn patience.

This week in church we learn about the law of the fast. Rosemarie, the lady who was baptized last week, explained how she had been in the hospital with her youngest son who is really sick. They don´t have any money at all to pay for his medicine and she did not know what to do. She fasted for a solution and two days later someone had donated all the medicine her son would need for a year. Then Hermano Martinez, our convert who smoked, gave the closing prayer and broke down in tears thanking the Lord for providing her son with medicine. Awesome to see people change!!!!

Did I ever tell you my story of hiking the mountain with the bucket on my head? If I did forgive me, the days blur together for me here. But we are always looking for opportunities to serve right? Well we had just hiked up this crazy steep mountain to visit some people and were almost at the base when we saw this cute little lady with a huge heavy bucket on her head really struggling to climb. I ran over to her and asked if we could help. She quickly pulled the bucket off her head and onto the ground. She pulled the sweaty towel they use to balance the bucket off her head and put it onto mine. I started thinking oh no, what did I get myself into. I attempted to hoist the bucket up and put it on my head but it was so heavy, I could not lift it up. Then the little lady helped me lift it up onto my head. My companion looked at my like I was crazy. Looking ahead at the mountain we would be climbing, I thought to myself I am crazy. We started to climb. I started to pray.

How in the world I climbed up that steep mountain balancing a huge bucket so heavy I could not lift it with my arms, I don´t know! But I know if I wasn´t a missionary I couldn´t do it again!

The Lord is in the work!!! I LOVE THE WORK. KEEP THE FIRE OF MISSIONARY WORK GOING. It´s the blood of the church! HOORAW FOR ISRAEL::::

Hna Tavenner

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