Wednesday, August 25, 2010

HEY. What´s up Fam??? I don´t know if anyone is still reading this, I kind of doubt it haha. I¨ve noticed once the year mark comes everyone kinda forgets that you exist. ´Just kidding. But seriously....

So I've had a ton of changes. Last week President called me at like 11pm and told me he would be moving me to a different area. I would be opening a new area and training a new missionary from Guatemala. So I started to pack like crazy and try not to feel crushed about not saying goodbye to any of the members or the converts I had. I was in that area so long it started to feel like a second home to me, 6 months in the same zone!

So I am in a place called Meijanos; it´s still in the capital and I´m close to the mission office.

This is the house I stayed in my first night in EL Salvador waiting to be sent to my area the next day. It is so funny to read my journal entry that night something like ¨what the heck am I doing in this place? There are bugs crawling all over me, and I get scared just thinking of using the bathroom, I think I´d rather just have a catheter put in, and there is no way I´m eating anything out of that fridge.¨ Little did I know what I was in for, this apt is the nicest I¨ve had so far.

As for the nursing part of my calling I have a cell phone and the elders can call whenever they are sick or need anything. Then I go to the office on Tuesdays and send a medical report to the area Doctor and fill out insurance forms and stuff like that, loads of fun right?

My new comp is Hermana Estrada. I¨m a little nervous for this change. She is way home sick. I´ve been looking in my drug book for something for that but can´t seem to find anything. Maybe I need the more up-to-date version.

Hey thanks for the letters. I will do everything to try and find a post office in this area, but please have patience with me. I love you all and am always praying for you!!!!

Hna Tavenner

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