Monday, August 30, 2010

Hola! What's happening in the home of the brave and the land of the free?? Or should I say land of the freezing?? Can I just say you all are the best! I think last week I was feeling a little down, please forgive me. This week I received three packages!! FIRST off Megan, PB and Pictures. She is so great and going to ITALY? that's no big deal. Second the WEIGHTS, wow it was really like everything I was thinking I needed there in this package. I was a little in awe thank you!! And Third my MOM she knows that white chocolate is the fastest way to my heart. Really thanks everyone, you all lifted my spirits!!!!

OK so this week was nothing short of eventful. First off I hit my year mark! So I burned a pair of pantyhose. I lite them on fire and then started waving them around, so joyful of course, this is a moment one can only dream of right. Well it was until those stupid pantyhose started my hand on fire. I got away with just a few blisters, but I guess I should have seen that one coming after I always get mad at the elders for getting hurt doing stupid things. I've been humbled- ok.

Que mas?? Umm wow we had a spiritual lesson with an investigator and a member. THis lmember wanted to teach a lesson with us this week, he does not seem like much right? But when he opens his mouth and talks about the gospel the spirit fills every corner of the room. After the lesson he drove us home in his little piece on trash on wheels (truck) with his daughters in the back as the rain poured down on them (ps I've been through.. count them.. 6 umbrellas). We sat there me on top of my companion bouncing along clinging to the door and praying it wouldn't fall off while this little man preached. He started talking about his mission to us, how it changed his life. He pounded his chubby little fist against the steering wheel and said "you let this change you, you give it your all, you go home with one convert, with yourself converted". I sat there a little bamboozled. I had completely misjudged him. In this moment I didn't see his patched up clothes or anything else that would distract one from what he truly was, a powerful man who had sacrificed so much of his life in service of the Lord, who will one day take his throne. THere's a scripture in 2 Corth 4:18. It invites all to look at the things that are not seen with physical eyes. The things of God must been seen with spiritual eyes. Take off the blinders and see what God sees.

LOVE YOU ALL MORE THAN little beans. Hooraw for ISRAEL!
Hna Tavenner

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