Monday, January 10, 2011

January 10, 2011
Hola Familia,

How was the week in the snow and ice? Did I hear grandpa fell off his bike on the ice? He´s a trooper!! How many 80 year old men do you know hitting the icy roads at 6 in the morning.... YES that´s MY GRANDPA.

Thanks for the letters! I received one from Aunt Lorna. You guys are such the BEST. I am going to try and get a letter to you before I go, but I might get home before the letter...

So this week was great. About two weeks ago the Elders in the office came to our area to help us look for people to teach. They found a really great reference. We passed by him and set up an apt. So this week we headed for the apt when my comp asked which of the million of tiny apts it was.... I fumbled through my bag for a long time. Me. flake. Lost the directions. We knocked doors for about 20 minutes but no one knew who the person was. I said a silent prayer that somehow we could find where this man lived. I had the thought to call the Elders. My comp said it was crazy they had been here over 2 weeks ago and would not be able to help us. But I called them. The Elder described to me exactly what the house looked like and where to find it. We found it! Then we started teaching him. His name is Rafael, he has one son and his wife live there. We didn´t have much time but just taught about the apostasy. How after the death of the Savior the truth and power of God was taken from the earth. We planned on teaching about the Restoration the next lesson. As we started wrapping up the lesson he became agitated. "What happens next? God wouldn't just leave us without the truth right?" He caught me a little off guard, but excitedly we shared our testimonies that no God would not leave us like that, that two hundred years ago the heavens opened once more. It was a neat experience. I like to see that despite my weaknesses the work of the Lord continues.

These people are so humble. They could have nothing to feed their family but when we come to their home to share with them a message they sacrifice to give us a dirty cup of rice milk. (Yes this is maybe why I´ve turned into such the little fatty here ok, it´s my love for the people....) Love the work. Love the rice. Love the dirt streets. Love the bugs that seem to love me. Love my mother.

Hna Tavenner

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