Monday, January 31, 2011

Shanna gets home this Wednesday evening and she will be reporting her mission Feb. 13 at 9 am. Our church is on E. River Road (3370 N. 500 W.) in Idaho Falls. Please call if you have questions: 525-9311

Hola familia!!!
I cannot believe it's my last email!! It snuck up on me so fast. I got a letter from Suzy!! and from my cousin Michael! Thanks that was fun! Please forgive there is no time to write back. I will just drop you a call in like 3 days haha.
I am filled with such mixed feelings I'm sure only a missionary could understand. There is happiness to finally see family and friends after so long, but thinking of leaving these people who have become so dear to me, who have taken and will forever hold a piece of who I am really saddens me. These people have changed me. They have taken me in and made me into family. I've served them, I've listened to their life stories, I've taught them the gospel and seen the changes it's made in their lives, I've laughed with them, cried with them (and heaven knows I've eaten with them!). I have rejoiced with them watching the answer to many prayers come to pass as the first temple in this country has been under construction. As I have looked into their eyes, I have felt the love that our Heavenly Father feels for his dear children in El Salvador, and I too have been filled with that same love.

I have attempted to look to the future and be happy knowing that I have fulfilled my mission here in this little country....but there is an unmistakable pain that sinks deeply.

But as the sun sets, that is normal I suppose. The closing of one chapter so remarkable in life comes with resistance and unfortunately pain. But I know the sun rises again, casting out the darkening shadows of a sad lonely night. There are new chapters yet to be written.

May each of us go forth heeding Alma's counsel to his son "look to God, and live" (Alma 37:47). There are beautiful horizons ahead, and many more mountains just waiting for us to move them! One step at a time we climb until we have moved them beneath us. Always Remembering. Always holding with us, those dear people who have changed us and made us become what we were foreordained to be. Holding with us the scars of painful times that bought us to our knees in counsel with the most high. May we not be afraid for whatever lies ahead, for the Lord God is with us.

Thank You. You all have been my support. I am reminded of the story of Moses, when there is a battle between Joshua and Amalek as Moses holds up his arms Joshua and the Israelites win, but when he puts them down Amalek begins to beat them. So Moses holds up his arms, but Aaron and Hur uphold Moses’ hands so that Joshua prevails against Amalek.

Exodus 17 "And it came to pass, when Moses held up his hand, that Israel prevailed: and when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed. But Moses’ hands awere heavy; and they took a stone, and put it under him, and he sat thereon; and Aaron and Hur bstayed up his hands, the one on the one side, and the other on the other side; and his hands were steady until the going down of the sun."
I like the part that says Moses hands became heavy. He could not bear them anymore, I love what his brother does- Aaron and Hur then hold up Moses arms for him. My dear friends and family, you have done this for me. I have felt many times when I could no longer hold up my arms. The stress and weight of everything caused my arms to become heavy. You all have held up my arms. Through your prayers. through your letters, how to thank you all? I cannot. Just know that my heart is filled with an immeasurable amount of gratitude for what you all have done.
May God bless you as He has for me. I love you and thank you for your goodness. I know that God lives. Jesus is the Christ and the Messiah of the world. The gospel has been restored in its fullness through a young prophet Joseph Smith. The truths of eternal life and salvation are within the pages of the sacred Book of Mormon and Bible.
Our God reigneth!! HOOARAW FOR ISRAEL....
Hermana Shanna Tavenner

see you all at the tree!!

or airport.........

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